Додому Новини Новини Норвегії та України Support for Ukraine – Peaceful meeting in Stavanger.

Support for Ukraine – Peaceful meeting in Stavanger.

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This is peaceful protest in Stavanger against the Russian aggression. Whole civilized world stands side by side with Ukraine. We all have to stand. This war has no place in 22st century, it brings nothing good but pain, grief and struggle. We can never bring back loved ones who died, but how many have to follow? Ukrainian people had to leave their houses due to WAR that Russia started. Peaceful people from democratic country, who had their own lives sustainable though their own work, lost everything.

“What we can do? We are just people!” – you say. But have a look at Ukraine. This is how democracy looks like. Until people go out and show their support, until everyone speaks, it will be unclear for your governments how large is support!

If Russia will stop fighting, there will be no more war. If Ukraine will stop fighting, there will be no more Ukraine and the question will be “Who’s next?”

Draw your board. Go out. Show your governments that you support Ukraine. That you want Ukraine to be Armed. Tell people who are silent to make it louder. Stay secured from propaganda. Stand with Ukraine. The war will end faster if you are active.

Text – Lena Ivashkina, video – Andrey Rusanov

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